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Review – Ryset adjustable rake

Helen McKerral

Helen McKerral

August 23, 2012

The Ryset adjustable steel garden rake has a head which can vary in width from 20cm to 55cm, making it very handy for getting leaves out of narrow spots, like between pots. It’s cheap, lightweight and quick to adjust. ★★★★★ [5 out of 5 stars]


You know how it is, raking leaves in tight areas. It’s fine out on the lawn but between pots, shrubs or behind a table or garden ornament you have to awkwardly turn the rake sideways because it’s too wide. And that doesn’t really work either, so you end up having to move every pot an extra thirty centimetres out from the wall, just to get the rake behind them. And then move them all back again.

Not so with the Ryset adjustable rake. Simply move a lever on the handle and slide it up to make the rake narrower (20cm), or down to make it a conventional width (55cm). Reclamp the lever and you’re ready to go in three seconds.



This is one of those tools that make you think, “I should have bought one of these years ago!” As a leaf rake, it’s very lightweight (900g), and it does exactly what you bought it for. It takes up almost no storage space when the tines are contracted. The lever is easy to use. And the price – around $14.00 – is exceptionally good value for money.




None really, so I’m nitpicking. When the rake is adjusted to its narrowest setting, the prongs are stiff rather than springy as they are at the wider setting, but the rake still works well. It’s not suited for soil, pebbles or other heavy materials, but then it’s clearly a leaf rake.

I’ve only used this rake for one season and the tines are relatively fine so they may wear down quickly, and the plastic lever appears rather flimsy… but the price is so low that I wouldn’t mind if the rake lasted only a few years. At this price the steel is probably far from top grade, so I imagine it would rust quickly if left out in the weather.


Does exactly what you expect, and does it well.


Ryset Adjustable Steel Garden rake

Product Code:GD603

WHERE TO BUY: It’s available online, but I bought mine from my local nursery so I expect other garden centres would stock it too. Similar rakes are available from other manufacturers, such as Gardena.

PRICE GUIDE: Approximately $14


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12 years ago

Hello Helen
I have just noticed this post. I am going to have to look out for one of these rakes – we go through rakes so quickly with a big garden and using with work. I can’t believe the price, so will have to purchase one to check it out.

anne latreille
anne latreille
12 years ago

Looks great Helen. I also have an invaluable Ryset tool. It’s a small folding saw, 22cm long folded, around 40 extended. It has a double row of the sharpest little blades, alternately long and short. These are very very sharp and you certainly need to wear gloves. There’s a nifty little snap device to open and close it. It cuts through almost ANYTHING and I don’t know how I ever gardened without it. I found it in a hardware store in New Zealand and I think it cost around $50 – a bit more than the rake!