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November 9, 2012

Front yard vegetable garden wars – a man in Orlando, Florida has been ordered to remove his front yard vegetable garden as it doesn’t comply with the city’s code which requires front yards to be planted with ground cover to “provide a uniform appearance and keep property values up”.

Jason Helvingston says he offered to put up a fence but this was not accepted. “You’ll take my house before you take my garden,” he says. Jason grows a mix of beans, radishes, kale and swiss chard and 200 of his neighbours have supported his petition to reconsider the code.

Similar stories are emerging from other American and Canadian towns, such as Tulsa, Oklamhoma where Denise Morrison is suing the city for cutting down and removing her edible garden, including any trees that bore either fruit or nuts.

Denise Morrison’s edible front garden is removed by city officials

In Drummondville in Quebec, Michel Beauchamp and Josée Landry are fighting rules that require them to rip up 70 per cent of their vegetable garden as there is a front yard rule of at least 30% grass. Their charming and VERY neat potager garden is shown in this video:

Supporters of home-grown food accuse the US Dept of Agriculture of being “in league with GMO and monoculture interests” in their efforts to register and track those producing large amounts of home-grown produce.

The cities of Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, Washington, and Los Angeles and Pasadena in California have all passed laws to protect the homeowner’s right to a front yard vegetable garden.

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11 years ago

This story is shocking – fancy not being able to grow WHATEVER you want in your front garden as long as it is legal. Surely as long as it is neat and tidy and well cared for, this should be the main consideration. And to be told that you can’t grow trees that are productive is appalling. Pity any council that tries to dictate how we garden in Australia.