Holly and John have a newish home. Like many homes of its sort, the house is sited on the block in such a way that there are odd-shaped and often only small spaces left to garden. How do you make it feel like a real garden? Holly has achieved a remarkable garden in these difficult constraints, maintaining access and planting through the tiniest passageways, and filling her garden courtyards with interesting detail and a wide range of plants.
I love her staghorn courtyard, dominated by the flowing ‘antlers’ of Platycerum superbum and the vine covered walkway made even more mysterious with drapings of spanish moss. Holly’s intelligent creation of mass and void makes even the small spaces feel delightful and very usable, and it is most pleasing to see someone wanting to fit trees into a small garden.
Holly’s wonderful Sydney garden at 2 Palmerston Place, Seaforth is OPEN through Open Gardens Australia on 17-18 August 2013. Cost $7, under 18s free. If you visit then, you’ll also get to see her fabulous cymbidium orchid collection in full bloom!
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just admiring your pot of red dipladenia…i have 2 three-year-old pots of dipladenia pink in 500mm pots and tripods 1.5 m+ high…had always been beautiful and healthy and flowered right through winters..
last year they suddenly started to deteriorate…losing leaves and branches dying back …have been trying to save them but nothing works as they are worse..
so i have decided to discard them as i think they possibly have a pathogenic root disease which i read about on the internet and identified in the US. and in particular specific to dipladenia “red riding hood” like mine….
have you heard of anything like that?
especially interesting because of the disease that devastated the common impatiens in sydney some years ago yet the new guinea impatiens is OK…different species…in the years since i have never seen an impatiens in my garden when previously they would sprout up all over the place
valerie brennan Mosman
HI Valerie, I haven’t heard of this being a problem here, and neither have Jennifer Stackhouse or Helen Young but I will continue to investigate. Most root diseases are fungal rots that proliferate in wet, cool conditions – not exactly our winter experience here in Sydney this year! I would pull one of them out of its pot and examine the root ball carefully for:
1. curl grubs (which strip roots bare)
2. larger roots that are blocking up drainage holes
3. a congested root ball that needs repotting
Let me know if you see anything significant and I’ll also ask if any of the commercial growers can suggest a solution
Thank you Catherine….i get very concerned about my plants.
i tipped one plant out and there are not many roots and they look like many of them are rotten….so if this is common root rot is it contagious and best to discard them? or can they be treated? i have been growing container plants for years and this rarely happens. i always use good potting mix and slow-release osmocote.