Sadly, there will not be a New Zealand Ellerslie Flower Show in 2015. Christchurch City Council has announced it’s terminating its contract with Flower Show Management Ltd.
CCC will work towards making the show financially viable for 2016.
Councillor Tim Scandrett said while Ellerslie brings many benefits to Christchurch, the Council is not currently in a position financially to sustain the show.
“Ellerslie is a fantastic event. It cements Christchurch’s image as the Garden City, boosts local morale and puts our city on the tourism map.” Visitors to this year’s show had a 94 per cent satisfaction rate.
“However, the Council has a responsibility to rate-payers to be prudent with spending, so we need to work through how a gardening show can be made financially viable. While there will be no show next year, the Council will work with the gardening and events communities to work out what form a show could take in 2016,” said Cr Scandrett.
“what form a show could take”
I see. No wonder that the most English City in NZ wants to destroy the only Festival able to compete with Chelsea.
Well done.
The first mistake was anyway bringing it there. Who the hell on Earth would want to go to Christchurch instead of Auckland?
And with that weather! Just do your thing there and leave the Ellerslie to Auckland again!