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hidden Design Festival tickets on sale

Catherine Stewart

Catherine Stewart

January 12, 2015
Bates Landscaping

Bates Landscaping

The hidden Design Festival wowed Sydney last April, and it’s on again this 14-15 March 2015, with tickets now on sale.

Last year’s hidden Design Festival sold out over a week before the event, so don’t be disappointed, buy your tickets now!

Featured designers include Brendan Moar, Matthew Cantwell (Secret Gardens), Richard Unsworth (Garden Life), Mark Paul (The Greenwall Company), Christopher Owen, Catherine Sullivan (Your Edible Garden), Adam MacDonald (Impressions Landscape Design), Jane Stark, Ken Lamb (Imperial Gardens) and ‘landscaper to the stars’ Michael Bates own garden.

There are currently 17 hidden gardens included in the ticket, with at least one and maybe two more in the wings. Plus, in 2015, you get a bonus extra entry to plantswoman extraordinaire Margery Postlethwaite’s beautiful plant-filled garden, presented by Open Gardens Australia.

Design Margery Postlethwaite5

Design Margery Postlethwaite

Tickets are $47.50 for all gardens, which are located in several clusters including the Northern Beaches, Lower North Shore and City Fringe. Visit hidden Design Festival

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