Botánica Insólita (Unusual Botany) is Madrid’s spring garden festival from 8-10 May 2015. Now in its 4th year, it features designer gardens, floristry, sustainable and green design, a botanical and organic products market and gastrobotany. And it’s all free!
Held in the Matadero Madrid (creative arts centre, Plaza de Legazpi) and open from 11am to 5pm each day, Botánica Insólita is divided into 5 areas –
1. Área de “Naturaleza Creativa – (Creative Nature) with Gardens of the World reflecting a variety of international garden design styles, urban and contemporary design, vertical gardens, micro gardens, and sculpture and eco-art made from reused and recycled materials
2. Área botánica insólita: flores, plantas insólitas, árboles y arbustos – (Unusual Botany) featuring flowers, rare and unusual plants, trees and shrubs
3. Mercado Bio botánico, productos del “jardín comestible” y derivados – Bio Market with botanical and edible products
4. Actividades naturalmente creativas de educación medioambiental – Environmental Education
5. Área Gastro Botánica – Street Food
For more information (in Spanish) CLICK HERE