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USA Million Pollinator Garden Challenge



June 4, 2015

Million Pollinator Garden Challenge

USA – The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge aims to turn around the alarming decline of essential pollinators like honey bees by supporting President Obama’s call to “promote the health of honey bees and other pollinators”. The Challenge hopes to sign up 1 million American gardens.

The National Pollinator Garden Network is an unprecedented collaboration between conservation networks and gardening organizations like the nursery industry’s National Garden Bureau. The Network hopes to engage home gardeners, schoolyard gardens, community groups as well as government agencies and industry to establish pollinator gardens, no matter how small.

National Pollinator Garden NetworkThe Network aims for 1 million habitat and nectar gardens by the end of 2016, from a humble window box, to a new garden on a golf course, a farm garden or a university campus garden.

More at Million Pollinator Garden Challenge

National Pollinator Garden Network partner organizations:

America In Bloom
American Horticultural Society
American Public Gardens Association
American Seed Trade Association
Captain Planet Foundation
Home Garden Seed Association
Keep America Beautiful
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Monarch Watch
National Environmental Education Foundation
National Gardening Association
National Garden Bureau
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Recreation and Park Association
National Wildlife Federation
North American Butterfly Association
Pollinator Partnership
Society of American Florists
USDA People’s Garden
Wild Ones
Wildlife Habitat Council
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Biology

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