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How to identify your camellia



November 9, 2015

camelliaHave you got an old camellia in your garden that you’ve struggled to identify? Camellia.pics is an astonishing camellia documentation project with nearly 1,800 named varieties of camellias where you can look for your answer.

Camellia.pics also has a clever 5 question system of helping you narrow down your search, or an advanced search where you choose from a list of 13 different descriptive terms for important features like the flowers, flowering season and the plant’s growth habit.

If that doesn’t narrow down your answer then you can begin trawling the extensive database of high quality photographs, which include flowers but also fruit seeds and buds.

Camellia.pics is compiled by Cathie and Oliver Joly in Paris and includes sections on camellia history, growing guides and details about many gardens that specialise in camellia growing.

The project is very active with new cultivars added every few weeks and there are both French and English-language versions.

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Michael Mullin
Michael Mullin
7 years ago

I have a camellia which looks like Nuccio’s Pearl, but it shows stamens, is not a formal double. I could send a photo.
Can you help?

Catherine Stewart
7 years ago
Reply to  Michael Mullin

Hi Michael – to ID your flower, you need to click through to the Camellia Pics website, which is profiled in this story.