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Botanic Gardens: a wealth of pleasure and resources



May 4, 2016

BGOD_logo_largeBotanic Gardens Open Day – all across Australia and New Zealand, on Sunday May 29 2016, get out into your local botanic garden and see the wealth of beauty, knowledge and resources we have.

Launched yesterday in Australia by ABC Gardening Australia TV host Costa Georgiadis and in New Zealand by Jack Hobbs, Curator Manager of Auckland Botanic Gardens, the Botanic Gardens Open Day promises events and activities at over 70 participating botanic gardens.

Botanic Gardens are at the forefront of plant conservation, of building the resources to help us through world-wide changes like a warming climate, and of spreading the love of gardening across the community.

Ambassador Costa Georgiadis in his launch speech likened the wealth held in our botanic gardens to the surprise and delight of unexpectedly finding forgotten money in your own pocket. These are our gardens but we can forget how much wealth they hold. If it’s a while since you last saw your local botanic garden, May 29 is a perfect time to visit, discover and enjoy them again.

More at Botanic Gardens Open Day


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