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BIGS 2016 is almost here!

Arno King

Arno King

October 5, 2016

The Brisbane International Garden Show starts this Thursday, 6 October 2016, and will run for four days. It’s located at Pine Rivers Park at Strathpine, and readily accessed off the motorway, with the main entry at the intersection of Gympie and Kremzow Roads.

plenty-to-see-at-the-brisbane-international-garden-showThe park is stunning and well suited to a large garden event, with marquees tucked under the large Hill’s Fig Trees to the north of the site, and the Main Stage located down near a series of Lagoons to the north of the site. There are 5 stages located on the site with concurrent talks running each day. Speakers at the event include Costa, Graham Ross, Annette McFarlane, Phil Dudman, Noel Burdette, Claire Bickle and of course, me.

brisbane-international-garden-show-stallscrowds-at-the-brisbane-international-garden-showYou’ll catch me in the Talking Gardening Stage where I’ll be MC for much of each day and also on the Question and Answer Panel at 3pm (2pm Sunday) at the same venue – so prepare those questions! I’ll also be giving a talk each day – ‘Beat the Heat: Build a Bush House’ and ‘Designing a Tropical Garden’. You’ll find me on the Main Stage or Talking Gardening Stage at either 11 or 12 am each day, so check the show timetable.

lots-of-speakers-to-hear-at-the-brisbane-international-garden-showhttp://www.brisbanegardenshow.com.au (then go to Whats On (top)- Free Lectures and Demos)

As well as the talks, there are over 40 nurseries with a huge range of plants for sale and other stalls with garden related products. There are also 6 show gardens located through the site. For questions relating to plants or soils (bring samples!), there’s a free plant clinic manned by the Queensland Horticultural Media Association.

brisbane-international-garden-show-plant-salescliveas-on-show-at-the-brisbane-international-garden-showGates open from 9am each day. Adult entry is $20.00. Aged concession is $18. Multiple day passes are also available. . If you are coming by train, a free shuttle bus will pick you up from the station.



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8 years ago

Looks fabulous Arno, magnificent Speakers Program, interesting growers selling and excellent site and facilities …. Best of luck to you and the BIGS Team !!