Hear Arno King, subtropical plant guru at this weekend’s Ipswich Garden and Plant Expo in Queensland, 11-12 March 2017.
Arno will give a range of talks:
Saturday 11 March at 10am on the Green Stage – Designing a vegie garden to maximise production and success
Saturday 11 March at 12pm on the Horticulture Stage – Designing a beautiful garden – what are some of the current trends
Arno will also be part of the popular Q&A panel session with other garden experts at 2pm on the Saturday
Sunday 13 March at 12pm on the Green Stage – Designing an ornamental and productive vegie garden.
You can also hear many other speakers including Paul Plant, Annette Irish, Don Burke, Phil Dudman, Costa Georgiadis, Claire Bickle and Noel Burdette.
Ipswich Garden and Plant Expo is at Ipswich Turf Club, Bundamba.
Entry $10 adult, conc $8, U15 free.