Spring flowers are still blossoming in my Sydney garden and that season’s cool breezes are hanging on too. However it feels like THE BIG HOT will hit any day now. So I’d like to say a proper goodbye to Spring this year by sharing my trip to Floriade in Canberra this year.
Look, having seen Floriade before, lived in the Netherlands and visited the shrine to diddled-up-cross-multi-hybridised-colour-wham tulips that is the Keukenhof…I have to admit something. Sometimes I do find modern tulips and the way they’re displayed a bit full on.
I long to see wild unadulterated tulips on hillsides in Turkey, Crete and even Norway.
Isn’t that lovely?
But filming Floriade this year was fun and it actually gave me a new appreciation for these showgirls of the horticultural world. Enjoy!
Hi Chantelle
I am from Canberra and now live in Port Macquarie and what I miss so much is Floriade. The Tulips and Poppies were my favourites of all and I am now in a wheel chair and have called it a day as wheeling on grass areas is just out of question and the prices charged for accommodation is just out of the question. I also have to have daily visits with Community Nursing also and that also is a problem to get it off the ground. So if you go would you please send me pics of it, and also where can I purchase the bulbs from, have sort of lost the best places to get them from and I purchased from Woolworths a beautiful one and it was pale pink with dark pink and was frilled, and a friend who came round for a visit decided after if flowered to throw out the pot it was in and the 3 bulbs and now I’m trying to track it down to purchase it and others too. Hoping you can assist me
Thanks so much
Marree Cowan