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Victorians vote on favourite tree



April 30, 2018


Guilford tree. National Trust (Victoria)

Could this be Victoria’s favourite tree? This red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis is just one beauty in contention for the National Trust’s 2018 Victorian Tree of the Year.  The red gum is one of the largest trees in Victoria, located at Guilford and is about 500 years old.

According to the National Trust, the winner of the Tree of the Year will be a tree that has captured the hearts of Victorians. “It could have a dramatic history or a majestic canopy…it doesn’t have to be the biggest or the oldest of its kind…just the tree we love the most.”

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has been classifying significant trees since 1982 and is Victoria’s leading advocate for the protection of trees, celebrating the benefits they provide to our communities.

To vote for your favourite tree go to  https://www.facebook.com/NationalTrustVictoria

Voting closes on May 20, 2018.

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