The University of Western Sydney has launched a new campaign called Earth IQ, a beginner’s guide to climate change and a way of inspiring a generation to embrace more mindful and sustainable living.
The campaign was designed as a response to a study undertaken by the university. The study found that while 89 per cent of millennials had first heard about climate change before enrolling in university, half the respondents were not able to name a single event related to climate change in the previous year.
The study also found that few millennials recognised global warming was already under way and many attached negative emotions such as fear and anger with the topic, yet they had no knowledge about what to do about it.
Earth IQ is designed to engage millennials and their communities for a climate change-impacted future through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and YouTube using the hashtag #EarthIQ.
Dr Holly Kaye-Smith, recent Western Sydney University PhD graduate and social change academic believes it’s vital to find a new language in talking about climate change that’s one of optimism and empowerment rather than fear mongering.
“What we want to see is a new generation taking up everyday life activism. Becoming enthusiastic about tackling environmental issues and making creative changes to the way we eat, travel, keep cool, buy (and look after) things.”
Hashtag #EarthIQ