Product: Neutrog’s GOGO Juice, a 100% organic pro-biotic liquid for soil and plants. Rating: 4.5 stars ★★★★ ½
Neutrog are 100% organic, with some in the range being BFA certified fertilisers. GOGO Juice is a pro-biotic liquid for soil and plants. GOGO Juice acts as a catalyst in the soil by combining billions of bacteria along with kelp, seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. The juice acts as an organic fertiliser plus adding the microbes normally found in healthy soil that assist in breaking own organic matter, which then maximise nutrient release to plants. Resistance to pest and disease is increased while also aiding the plant through times of heat and frost stress.
Features: There are two sizes of container available: 1 litre concentrate and 120ml concentrate. 1 litre of concentrate makes up to 500 litres.
Likes: Neutrog products are totally organic, so for those of us who are sustainably inclined, organic products are definitely the choice. The product comes in a heavy duty tin with a pouring spout. The cap acts as a measuring container for easier use.
Dislikes: None discernible.
Used by whom and where: I have used this product in my own garden. We have an area of lawn that has been very difficult to get lawn to grow. It is situated in dappled shade with considerable root competition from ash trees. We have tried numerous times to get lawn here, but have had no success with any germination.
Prior to planting the seed, the area was sprayed thoroughly with GOGO Juice. I assumed that the reaction would be the same as before. David and I could not believe that within 4 days we had tufts of germinating seed coming through. And the grass grew rapidly. It had its first haircut about 8 days after planting – far earlier than normal. The lawn continues to look healthy, requiring very little water to keep it looking good.
Performance: The promotional literature states that “the microbiology within GOGO Juice stimulates healthy plant growth and encourages root development”. Having seen the remarkable effects of this product on our lawn that had refused to even germinate before, I can vouch for this comment. We will continue, as landscape designers, to use this prior to all planting with our client in the future.
Specifications: 10mls or 1 capful is added to 5 litres of water. This amount will cover 1 to 2 m² of soil or potting mix. It is recommended to reapply every month. This product should not be mixed with fungicides or bactericides. Because it is a microbial product, gloves and a face mask should be worn.
Where to buy: Bunnings – all states; Flower Power – NSW; Masters – Qld, NSW, WA, Vic; Banner Hardware – SA; Dahlsens – Vic; Stratco – SA, QLD, WA, Vic, NSW; Mitre 10; Specialist nurseries; Specialist landscape consultants/landcapers
Price: 1 litre concentrate = RRP $15.95; 120ml concentrate – RRP $6.50
Thanks Paul for your enquiry.
I know very little about hydroponically grown plants. Maybe you could contact Neutrog’s advisory service as they may be able to direct you.
I would have thought that there would be no problem with its use – all of Neutrog’s products are organic, but to be certain, speak with them.
I love the Go Go Juice. Have being using this for a month on all my plants including roses, annuals, foliage and my herbs. My plants have never looked better. This is an achievement on its own in the dry Brisbane heat we are having
Its great to see good sustainable products not only coming onto the market, but being used by the public. It is a new way of thinking for all of us but the more people that use these products and then review them positively, will benefit the environment overall. Glad to hear your good news story Sue, but feel for you with the heat.
Could you please inform me if I could use Gogo juice with my hydroponic grown tomatoes and at what rate. Thank you.
Can I apply Gogo Juice on my orchids (cattleya, Phalaepnopsis, Dendrobium etc)?
I have a couple of lettuce that have been in a Kratky setup (kind of hydoponics…but now aeration) for a week now and bought the GoGo Juice from Bunnings yesterday. It says 1 capful (40ml) to 10l of water should be distributed over about 8 sq metres of soil.
You’d fit a LOT of plants in 8sqm, so I’m going to put maybe just 1-2ml in my ~9 litre bucket setup.
Here’s my Kratky Method lettuce video…
I have a dwarf Lemon Tree which after 12 months since planting is not looking good , no flowers and no growth . Recently added Cow Manure and now Go Go Juice over the last 3 weeks and the tree still looks ordinary….can you help .
wondering if this product breaks down non organic fertilisers. I accidentally got the Richgrow Superphosphate for my tomatoes instead of the straight organic phosphate.
Just wondering if these guys will break it down still or if it will work.
Hi – Alison Aplin has sent me this reply for you: GoGo Juice as an organic product wouldn’t cause harm – its whether it would work.
It’s a marvellous product for improving the soil naturally as does zeolite with sandy soils. Once the product has been used a few times in the same spot, its remarkable how the worms move in to the area which is always to me a pleasing sign in relation to soil health.
I would ensure the Richgrow product was completely dissolved and broken down before applying the Juice as these are live organisms.
Why are you using organic phosphates? Surely you would be better off using a complete organic vegetable fertiliser that is balanced for optimum growth and fruit production.
was given a sample from bunnings on saturday. Can’t wait to give it a go on my vegies. Have been using powerfeed may be time to change.
Hello Graeme
A good freebie to try. Let us know how you go with it once you have trialled it. I haven’t used it with vegies so would be keen to hear your feedback. You will need another fertiliser with it – the GoGo Juice enhances the activity of fertilisers through improving the growing conditions, but is only mildly nutritional. For vegetable growing I would have thought that you would need added supplements.
Let us know what you think of it with your vegetables.
Smells like u walked up to a cows ass and waited till he pooed in the bottle
Organic doesn’t always mean sustainable.
Is it safe for pets once it’s sprayed on the plants
Hi Kay, The information on the product says keep out of reach of children and pets. Trust this helps.