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Hakea and Grevillea cultivars

Marianne Cannon

Marianne Cannon

August 27, 2012

Today I’m talking with horticulturist Sabina Fielding-Smith about winter-flowering Hakea laurina ‘Stockdale Sensation’ and also two older culltivars of grevillea, Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’ and Grevillea ‘Superb’.

Hakea ‘Stockdale Sensation’

For the last twenty years, native plant enthusiast, Max Ewer, of Mt Gambier in South Australia, has been passionate about growing the Hakea genus on his property. Back in 2002 Max freeholded 10 acres of land and planted out 600 hakeas. Max now has an extensive collection which boasts hakeas native to Cape York right through to Tasmania. Max is considered an expert in his field of breeding and growing Hakeas. Some websites for growing native plants make the claim that hakeas are only available in their original form and no-one is hybridising. That simply means that according to some, you get only get plants that originally grow in the wild, or bush, but no-one is crossing the pollen between varieties to get a better flowering plant. They couldn’t be further from the truth.

Hakea ‘Stockdale Sensation’ was named in honour of Max’s late wife. Hakea “Stockdale Sensation” has the same amazing flowers as the species, but more of them and is a more bushy plant from all acounts. Hakea ‘Stockdale Sensation’ grows to 2-3m x 2m, is drought tolerant when established, and tolerant of most soil types as long as it’s well draining. Like the species, Hakea “Stockdale Sensation”, starts flowering in winter. For more information about where you can buy this plant in Australia, go to www.pma.com.au for a list of nurseries and garden centres that might have this plant.


Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’ and Grevillea ‘Superb’

Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’

In the 1970s, two hybrid grevilleas came out. One a cross from Grevillea banksii and Grevillea bipinnatifida. This was Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’. Grows to 2 metres high and wide and seen in many older gardens. The flowers, or more correctly, the racemes, have reasonably distinct bands of colour, starting as red, and fading to yellow. This shrub was successful because it attracted so many mainly larger birds like rainbow lorikeets, plus it’s pretty hardy. Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’ can take light frost and grows best in full sun but any soil type. It flowers all year, and birds love it.

Grevillea ‘Superb’

Grevillea ‘Superb’ was was created by grevillea grower Merv Hodge. One of the parent plants is the white form of Grevillea banskii. The main difference is the foliage is a little darker, and the flowers a deeper colour – more red-apricot at the base fading to light pink. The third main difference is the floral tube is nearly always yellow. To me this is a neater shrub, growing to 1.5 metres. My preference is Grevillea ‘Superb’ but both flower all year long and don’t need too much trimming to keep them bushy. You can prune them back reasonably hard if you have an old plant that’s become overgrown and straggly looking. As with all grevilleas, if you fertilise your garden, these plants are phosphorous sensitive, so only use a native fertiliser or blood’n’bone around them. Why not send in a photo of your Grevillea?  c/- 2RRR PO Box 644, Gladesville NSW, 1675

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12 years ago

HI Marianne
I have Hakea ‘Stockdale Sensation’ in my garden and have used it also for clients. I agree with you in that it is a fantastic new plant and should be widely grown. Much more compact than the species form with a delighful semi weeping habit so that it looks good even when not if flower – which is a truly spectacular sight.

Julie Campbell
8 years ago

Hi Marianne, I have found an old label: “grevillea hodgeii”, and am trying to work out if it is still in my garden. I googled it to no avail. Do you know anything about it or can you find an image of it so I can explore my garden to see if I have it? We have a dreadful habit of planting natives and not bothering to record/keep their names. Am trying to turn over a new leaf! Regards Julie

Catherine Stewart
8 years ago
Reply to  Julie Campbell

Hi Julie – I’ve written to Peter Olde, who wrote the definitive book on this genus, ‘The Grevillea Book’, to see if he knows about it. I will let you know when I hear from him but he’s often travelling and plant collecting in some remote part of Australia, so it may take a while!

Julie Campbell
8 years ago

Thanks so much! Regards Julie

Catherine Stewart
8 years ago
Reply to  Julie Campbell

Hi Julie, I’ve heard from Peter Olde and he sends this link with some info about Grevillea hodgei (with only one ‘i’) http://www.anbg.gov.au/abrs/online-resources/flora/stddisplay.xsql?pnid=45344

Julie Campbell
8 years ago

Thank you so much!! Julie