Gardening Australia magazine has a great new look and I think everyone in Oz should buy it. But why would an online blog site be promoting a magazine?
While I’m obviously a big fan of creating gardening information online, I’m a bigger fan of everyone getting into gardening and learning more about it. Some people like to do that online, some by reading magazines and books, others by watching TV – and some, all of the above!
I want Australia’s horticultural ‘pie’ to be big enough to keep our flagship gardening publication healthy. Just like I want there to be more than a few gardening titles in bookshops (many of which don’t even have an official gardening section these days). And more quality gardening programs on TV and DVD.
If any part of horticulture journalism and publishing suffers, we passionate gardeners will see a reduction in the choice and quality of information and inspiration. So lash out and spend $6.75. It’s a small price to pay for supporting what you all love.
yes… print magazines have value as they can be taken everywhere – on a plane, on a boat, bus or train, and even to the loo.
Depending on a person’s interest and where they live, a number of magazines exist in Australia to provide that focused high quality specialist content such as Organic Gardener or subTropical Gardening.