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Gardening TV sent up



October 14, 2013

Gherkin Jarvis in action

Are you finding gardening TV engaging, or cliche-ridden and predictable?

Soft, floaty guitar music; emphatic double-handed gesturing; cupped hands filled with dirt; walking to camera; leaning on tools; giving plants a good ‘rub over’ – enjoy this most amusing gardening TV send-up by Gherkin Jarvis.

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Julie Thomson
11 years ago

Love the gherkin sendup!!!! Then again, how do you avoid such cliches? Is there is anything NEW under the sun?

Phileppa Doyle
Phileppa Doyle
11 years ago

I agree with Julie, and it was a fun send-up… but it did remind me of my favourite presenter, and I do know he’s a particularly hard, no nonsense worker so I hope he has a sense of humour.

Helen Young
11 years ago

Oh this is priceless. I so want to say who I think he is exactly like but cannot of course. But I am curious – who is this Gherkin Jarvis?