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Celebrating the Gardening Guilfoyles



June 18, 2014
William Guilfoyle and Polycias guilfoylei 'Victoriae'

William Guilfoyle and Polycias guilfoylei ‘Victoriae’

Father and son Michael and William Guilfoyle had a huge influence on Australian horticulture, with William personally introducing hundreds of plants to Australia, such as cordylines, crotons, polycias and acalypha. Join GardenDrum author Arno King and heritage expert Stuart Read as they present an afternoon with the Guilfoyles in Sydney on June 28, from 12-4pm, including a guided district walk.

The Australian Garden History Society presents a 1⁄2 day of talks and walk focussing on nurseryman father Michael and garden designer son William, their renowned Exotic Nursery, Double Bay and landscape and plant legacies they’ve left across Darling Point and Double Bay.

William is best known for re-jigging and managing Melbourne Botanic Gardens, but had 42 years of NSW experience before that. His father worked in Chelsea’s Exotic Nursery before setting up his own Exotic Nursery in ‘The Bay’, in its day a leading NSW nursery, with a huge collection.

Both were keen on subtropical and Pacific Island plants, rainforest species and palms, responsible for introductions into cultivation and popularity in gardens.

Talks by landscape architects & horticulturists: Arno King on Guilfoyle’s subtropical plant introductions and influence on Queensland gardens; and Stuart Read on those 42 NSW years.

Guided district walk pointing out remnants of the Exotic Nursery and the Guilfoyles’ activities.

Australian Garden History Society – Sydney & Northern NSW Branch, Cost: $40 / AGHS members $30 includes light refreshments & notes.

Bookings essential – payment confirms booking: email: david@low.name, or phone: (02)9943 1456

[Payments must be made prior to the event either by cheque to Australian Garden History Society and mailed to David Low, 28 Brentwood Avenue, Warrawee 2074 or by internet bank transfer to: Australian Garden History Society – Sydney & Northern NSW Branch, ANZ Bank, Centrepoint Branch: BSB# 012 040; Account# 101762565. Payment must include your name and ‘Guilfoyle seminar’. 48 hours notice needed for refunds of cancellations.]

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Stuart Read
10 years ago

The Victorian Branch of AGHS ran a cracking seminar in 2013 celebrating Guilfoyle’s centennary (and undertstandably, focussing on Victorian achievements). This seminar focusses ‘north of the Murray River’ on NSW and Queensland impacts and influences – don’t miss out: a rare opportunity.

Janet O'Hehir
Janet O'Hehir
10 years ago

The Victorian event was indeed a cracker. Looking forward to some more Guilfoyle inspiration.

Louise McDaid
Louise McDaid
10 years ago

Thanks again Cath for keeping us up to date with interesting and useful info. I’ve just booked in to what sounds like a fantastic afternoon.

Rowena Cavanagh
Rowena Cavanagh
8 years ago

I live and garden part of the year in Levuka, on the island of Ovalau, Fiji where Guilfoyle and other plants collectors would have stopped over, the town being the main port of Fiji at the time. I am looking for more detailed information on what he did whilst on Ovalau or in Levuka.
Any ideas?