Urban farms are The Big Thing in the USA for 2015, with many state and city governments freeing up more land, reducing red tape and even providing grower incentives for new urban farms.
• The number of farmers markets in the USA has grown hugely in the past few years as both local consumers, restaurant businesses and even chain grocery stores demand local, fresh produce.
• Local consumers are looking for ethically produced, environmentally sustainable whole foods to supplement their own home-growing efforts
• A new law in California gives tax beak incentives for local landowners who lend their land to urban farmers.
• The National Restaurant Association says that sourcing locally produced food is still the major trend among top chefs.
• Whole Foods Markets will place more emphasis on selling local produce.
• Support for start-up local agriculture businesses in increasing, both at state and city level – in 2015 Los Angeles will launch a ‘food production business incubator’ to help entrepreneurs in start-ups.
• Controlled environment mini-farms using hydroponic and aquaponic systems are on the rise.