What are the ‘White Shining Objects’? “We do not know” is the answer from SHJ Works. I love Simon Hjermind Jensen’s work. Based in Copenhagen, his public art projects illuminate and intrigue.
Some thought the asymmetrical shapes reminiscent of eggs. Others saw ritual stones.
Ranging in height from 600mm (2ft) to over 4m (13ft), White Shining Objects was the winning entry for a Copenhagen competition about urban spaces. Placed along a 400m stretch of publicly accessible area from a wasteland to a busy street, White Shining Objects invites passersby to both wander, and wonder.
Each object is made of 2-4 mm thick polycarbonate sewn together with 1 mm thick steel wire and lit from within. Unlike many public art-lighting projects, the shiny surfaces means that they are beautiful objects not just at night, but also by day.
Paving stones, benches and planters added to the project which Simon describes as being:
“way finding, place making, evocative lights, white sculptures with a smooth shining surface, and urban spaces for recreations.”
More at SHJ Works