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Scotland’s allotment holders worry for the future



March 23, 2015

Scotland’s allotment holders say the future of allotments is under threat from new government legislation designed to cut waiting times.

By forcing local governments to slash the current up to 10 years waiting time in half, they say many will opt for reducing allotment sizes, as there is no minimum size guarantee in the new bill. Councils will also be freed from the current requirement to charge a ‘fair rent’ which many allotment holders fear could price them out of the market.

The Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society (SAGS) feels that the current allotment size of 250 square metres is an appropriate standard size that can provide a family with all its own fruit and vegetables. While it supports reducing the current long waiting times, it wants this done by release of more council-owned land for new allotments, however it does agree that applicants can ask for a smaller plot if they wish

SAGS has been lobbying the SNP minister responsible for the ‘Community Empowerment Bill’, Marco Biagi, to add a minimum size and a ‘fair rent’ clause to the new bill, but without success.


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