Where can you find stable temperatures, light and humidity, and create a high CO2 environment that’s perfect for growing plants? UNDERWATER? Yes, Nemo’s Garden in Noli, Italy, is already doing it.
Sergio Gamberini President of Ocean Reef Group, a diving, safety and electronic equipment company, came up with the idea of growing plants underwater when he was on holiday at the beach. Underwater there are no pests and diseases, no sudden climatic events, plenty of light and, most importantly, plenty of water. Gamberini saw this as a potential solution to growing food in inhospitable climates.
Now in Noli, Italy, there are 5 biospheres anchored underwater that grow herbs and strawberries. The CO2-rich environment promotes extremely fast growth.
Once the airtight biospheres have been sunk underwater and filled with air, the plants are irrigated from water that condenses on the inside the biosphere.
Learn more at Nemo’s Garden