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Pets & wildlife

Watch the monarch butterfly pupate

Meleah Maynard

Meleah Maynard

July 16, 2015

So many magical things happen when caterpillars turn into butterflies. Recently, our neighbors Dale Hammerschmidt and Mary Arneson managed to get some great pictures of the monarch butterflies they often raise indoors to help protect them from predators. They said it was okay to share them, so here you are. Thanks Dale and Mary!

Monarch butterfly pupating Photos Dale Hammerschmidt and Mary Arneson

Monarch butterfly pupating Photos Dale Hammerschmidt and Mary Arneson

Shortly before the adult monarch emerges, the pupa gets very dark and you can see the wings inside.

Monarch pupa nearing maturity Photo Dale Hammerschmidt

Monarch butterfly pupa, or chrysalis, nearing maturity Photo Dale Hammerschmidt

You need to wait for the butterfly’s wings to dry before releasing him or her.

Adult monarch butterfly emerging. Photo Dale Hammerschmidt

Adult monarch butterfly emerging. Photo Dale Hammerschmidt


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