Tim Entwisle continues his radio segments, speaking on ABC RN Blueprint for Living on Saturday mornings.
Tim contributes regularly to Blueprint for Living on various topics relating to plants and gardens, and five times a year (as RN are following the 5-season system outlined in Tim’s book Sprinter and Sprummer) he and Matthew Crawford have a half hour ‘pop up’ show called In Season. It runs from 10.00 to 10.30 am as the last third of Blueprint for Living.
In Season: Winter aired last Saturday, 4 June 2016, investigating a late start to the north’s dry season, birds that spread fire, a collision of accountancy and botany, and a warmer future for our only winter-hibernating marsupial. If you missed it, listen or download the podcast here.
ABC RN Blueprint for Living airs from 9.00 to 10.30 am every Saturday.