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Behind the lens

Karen Shaw

Karen Shaw

November 29, 2020

The winning image of the 2020 International Garden Photographer of the Year (IGPOTY) Square Crop Photo Project shows there’s so much that’s awe inspiring about nature.

This competition celebrates square crop photography, which really forces the photographer to consider the place of every element and its contribution to the composition.

The Winners:

First place

Ancient Inhabitant. Photo by Paul Mitchell

Ancient Inhabitant by Paul Mitchell: Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom. Being a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Burnham Beeches is home to many ancient pollarded beech trees each one unique in character and form. The misty morning aided in isolating this specimen in the frame, with just enough detail in the background to give the tree a sense of placement.

Getting technical: Fujifilm X-T2, Fujifilm 18-135mm lens, 0.7sec at f/11, ISO 200. Tripod. Post-capture: use of crop tool, converted to black and white, added warm tone, basic image management.


Second place

Fluff Ball. Photo by Bob Luijks

Fluff Ball by Bob Luijks. Weert, The Netherlands. This dandelion seed head was captured using focus stacking to reveal all the details, even of the minute water droplets. This was then converted to black and white to emphasise its form and shape.

Getting technical:  Fujifilm GFX 50S, Fujifilm 120mm macro lens, 1/200sec at f/16, ISO 800. Tripod. Post-capture: focus stacked three images together, converted to black and white, basic image management.


Third place

Venetian Carnival in a Dutch Forest, Photo by Karin de Jonge

Venetian Carnival in a Dutch Forest by Karin de Jonge: Griendtsveen, The Netherlands.The unfurling fronds of a fern plant caught my eye as they resembled a Venetian masquerade mask, the white bokeh in the background is used as filling of the eye holes of the mask.

Getting technical: Sony α7 Mark III, Sony 24-105mm lens, 1/320sec at f/5, ISO 400. Tripod. Post-capture: basic image management.



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